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About Me

I'm a normal human person doing normal human person things. I design stuff 'cuz I feel like it, and also because I'm basically contractually obligated. What do the symbols say on that portrait of me, you ask? You're better off not knowing.

Special Skills

I've gained proficiency in graphic illustration software and photo manipulation software, namely the various Adobe programs. 


If given the choice between being a functional member of society or having an unlimited number of sandwiches at my disposal, well, helping society doesn't guarantee infinite sandwiches now does it?

Besides graphics, I've also been dabbling in playing instruments... not that it has actually gone anywhere, mind you.

You're probably not aware, but the background is really just shamelessly stolen from Earthbound. Still, you know how it goes, "bad artists copy, great artists steal."

Resume - Macias Casillas, Erick [Recover
Resume - Macias Casillas, Erick [Recover
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